Friday, November 20, 2009

Going Along

Those who have experience with such things will understand what I mean when I say that taking up roller blades late in life can be a scary enterprise. Recently I dragged out an old pair of in-line skates that haven't seen action for at least 5 years, and began trying to regain a sense of balance on wheels! Well, let me say it has been a continuing experience of some note! For a start the straps are broken so I am using heavy gauge cable ties to bind the boots, while I look for a store that can supply replacement parts. It seems the bits are more expensive than the value of the boots, so the cable ties stay for the moment. The point behind all this tomfoolery is that I really enjoy doing things with the kids, including ice skating. Well, we live very much in the tropics, so not much chance of ice skating rinks here, BUT we are visiting relatives and friends in Europe in the early new year, and there there are rinks. So, out come the rollerblades to help me get ready for the ice. Evening therefore one can find me going endlessly around the driveway in the front yard, temperature in the high 20s humidity high 80%, sweating like an out of condition football player, and occasionally crashing to the ground when one leg takes off on a course of its own!
Of course I watch the children with their rollerblades and rib-sticks and other balancing high speed apparatus and dream that one day I'll be as good as them. Meanwhile, my son considers it an essential duty to remain awake while I do my rounds, just in case I hit the ground and can't get up.
Wouldn't be dead for quids.

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